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Demosthenes of King Philip

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    Classical era of Greek thought (VI-IV century BC). One of the prominent personalities of that time was the speaker Demosthenes. He will tell the truth about King Philip, what drives him and what he strives for.

Characters: Nameless boule (senator), Demosthenes.

  - Haire (salute), Demosthenes. I will ask you to linger and would like to hear in more detail from your lips, your indignation about V(b)asilevses (king) Philippe. Sit down on the steps?
   -Yes, we will sit honorable.
  -Thank you. I was interested in your performance, which made an indelible special impression on me. But not all moments from your words are clear to me. I am talking about the moment that when our meeting was drawing to a close and you were one of the last. Your homilia (community, speech), about the emerging problem from the outskirts of the northern ecumene (edge of the world) of Hellas (Greece) and a statement about the bribery of some of us boulevards (parliamentarians), in this sacred building, in the old Voulevtirion (Bouleuterion) (parliament). You said, if I"m not mistaken, like this: "... may my words be the last warning and conjuring, like the broadcast of the seer Pythia, gifted by the wise Trismegistus (Hermes). So, if you don"t have enough readiness, determination, the fathers of our policy (city ), I myself will fight against him as once our heroes of antiquity. In memory of the great hero and founder of our foundations of Theseus"s life, I will act according to his commandments. Like him, my goal in life is to protect the borders of our polis-state from enemies. I know exactly the intentions of this barbarian. Philip wants to subjugate the whole civilized Hellas and dictate his will to all free people. This savage longs for us to deprive the right to freedom. His poisonous miasma has already penetrated the walls of our glorious Athens. Many clouded their minds when they saw his donkey. His donkey, laden with gold, takes the fortress of any weak spirit. Recall that this vice has not been eradicated by us since the time of the Persian Vasileus Xerxes. Greed could ruin our republic, but we thought better of it and withstood the promises of the Asian despot. Yes, I"m talking about bribing the votes of some boulevards, with his gold Philip will subjugate us! You, in cases of your refusal and not considering my appeal to you, dear Council of Five Hundreds, will force me to convene an ecclesia (popular referendum) and let the demos (people) decide the fate of supporting this tyrant ..."
  -Yes, respected. You just repeated the words I said.
  -When you crouched, other speakers spoke after you. At this time, I discussed the questions you posed with some of the worthy citizens of the Council of Five Hundred. They believe that your speech is not directed out of your concern for our state, but out of self-interest, in which you accused the most respected citizens of our policy. He himself took gold from his Theban friends, promising help in repelling the advance of Philip's army.
  - I swear to Hercules - this is a lie! Your words hurt me, as a true patriot, in the heart. You are right and wrong at the same time! Those with whom you spoke viciously slander against my crystal clear, discrediting honor. Yes, I have friends in the seventh gate Thebes, only friends - partners. My father, after whom they named me, was a gunsmith. He had business connections that also went to me. I dare to remind you that our family comes from the phyla (community) Pandionis. We are considered masters in the art of manufacturing weapons and forging for metal. By giving, we are the descendants of the captured Trojans, who were resettled by the Great Shepherd (Agamemnon). Throughout the history of our policy (city), since the unification of us into an entire state by Theseus, we have been faithful and defended our new home from any impending danger. With arms in hand on the battlefields or with a sharp smashing word in the meeting buildings, we always made our obol (analogy to the phrase "to contribute," that is, our contribution) to strengthen the power and prestige of our city ...
  - Please forgive me for interrupting you. I heard your words Demosthenes and took note. I did not want to disgrace you, the memory of your deceased father, or the honor of a clan. I see that you are sincerely loyal to our cause, our policy. Now I realized that such a person cannot fall so low as to accept any gift from the hands of the enemy. I knew you from the stories of others, but not in my eyes. I see how much time I lost, not knowing you closely, such a useful citizen to the policy. Now I know what to say to evil tongues popping in your back. Once these questions are sorted out, I want to ask you another question. I see that you are a man who knows about King Philip more than we do. Be kind, be more detailed about him.
  - With great pleasure, highly esteemed. Philip, son of Aminta, was born into a royal family in the city of Pella. He was born several years before the 100th Olympiad (382 BC), established by the great hero Heracles, may his name be famous forever! It is important and necessary to tell in what environment and under what circumstances Philip was born. Aminta had three sons, the youngest was Philip. Aminta gave birth to Philip, being already at a respectable age for any man, at 65 years old. This immediately led to rumors that Philip was not his son. The Argead dynasty, these barbarians, count and trace their lineage from Heracles. The history of their state begins with the departure of the Persians from Hellas (Greece). The domination of the Argeads was very similar to the domination of the Shepherd (Agamemnon) revered by all of us over the territory of Hellas. Each of the local rulers was obliged at the appointed time to supply Pelle provisions and armed men`s. In the rest of the time, everyone lived according to their own law and under their chosen leaders. Pella herself exhibited armed men's and provisions for protection from the wilder Gauls than the Macedonians. However, there were Illyrian tribes and former owners of that land, the Peonians (Paeonia), who were not particularly inclined to resist the invasion of hordes of Gauls. Sometimes Illyrians and Peonians directly supported the Gallic gangs invading the territory of Macedonia. The Argead family itself was notorious for drunkards, grabbers, killers, oath-criminals, cowardly and mediocre despots. Aminta did not try to change the situation in a more worthy direction. We also remember the story that in order to please us, our policy, he adopted our illustrious citizen and outstanding commander Iphicrates. At his court there was such a debauchery that the cheerful and eternally young Dionysus never dreamed of! Queen (tsariza) Eurydice, mother of Philip, had a lover named Ptolemy and married her own daughter in order to have an excuse to keep him close to her. Over time, Eurydice lost her vigilance and Aminta found his wife in bed with his own son-in-law. He did nothing because he fell in love with another. The king (tzar) was very fond of his daughter Eurinea (Eurynoe) and did not want to upset her, this news could embroil him with his mistress, with whom he shared the bed. Then the lovers (Eurydice and Ptolemy) decided to kill Aminta and proclaim Ptolemy king. Eurydice persuaded Eurineu to kill her father in a dream, Ptolemy suggested poisoning. They did not take into account that the king"s daughter would never go to regicide. Eurinea timely warned her father about the plot. The idea was not implemented, because Aminta died of shock (he was at least eighty years old), or, as I believe, he was poisoned with the poison of the cycluts (cicuta), from which our citizen Socrates also died, known to all of Oikumene (mastered by humanity). The eldest son of Tsar Alexander immediately declared his legal rights. But the cunning Ptolemy set up the assassination of Alexander during the Macedonian folk dance festival. After he married Eurydice and declared himself regent under Perdicca, Alexander's brother and the next legal heir. Aware that the situation could lead to complications abroad, Ptolemy began to negotiate with the children of Cadmus (Thebans) whose policy then quickly turned into the most powerful in Greece. As a sign of fidelity, he sent a group of noble hostages to Thebes, among whom was the last legitimate son of Aminta Philip, at that time a fourteen-year-old boy who grew up without the love and custody of his parents. He was short, stocky, had broad shoulders, talking about a strong physique and the ability to endure the difficulties that fell on his fate. The skin is pale, the hair is swarthy, curly. A protruding square chin speaks of a strong-willed person, a high forehead, large brown eyes, a nose with a hump. He explained himself as a true barbarian with such a dialect (accent) that it was difficult at times to understand him. To our time (354 BC), between the 106 - 107 Olympiad, it has not changed much, only his shoulders have more been heard. When I was in Thebes, they told me that even his compatriots joked about him "cacus anthropos" (a terrible person). Due to the fact that his peers Thebans and Macedonians composed elegy (elements) about him about his appearance, Philip's character became more aggressive. He was terribly hot-tempered, sometimes losing control of himself. In Macedonia, Ptolemy triumphed. Intoxicated by success, he missed one essential fact. After all, Thebes Philip was at that time along with outstanding citizens of the policy. With Pammen, who was an outstanding military leader and close friend who defeated the invincible Spartan army under the Leptra of Epaminondas. Philip, in my opinion, owed much of his lessons to the lessons of the famous Theban warlord, Epaminondo. Philip met Pammen during the 103rd Olympiad (368 BC), on the streets of Thebes. Pammen was allowed to go home by Epaminondos for a temporary rest and a meeting of the militia. Driving through the streets of Thebes on his airme (chariots), he accidentally saw Philip. Goddess Tuches (of chance) is so playful. Philip, after another elegy, looked like a broken man. Wandering the streets of Thebes, he went to the city center, where there was a city holiday in honor of the beautiful news from Epaminondas. The Thebans invaded the lands of the "stone-headed" (Spartans) in the Peloponnese. The faces of the audience expressed admiration, except for one. His rude, barbaric face impressed Pammenon. The young man liked Pammenon. He asked Lysander, his friend, to bring the young man with a sad face to his home. On the evening of the same day, there was a conversation between Pammen and Philip. Pammen learned that Philip was a royal son and invited Philip to stay at his house. Philip accepted the invitation and lived with him for three years, which he was in Thebes. Pammenon after some time of cohabitation with Philip introduced his favorite with Epaminondas. Philip impressed Epaminondas with his goals and speeches: to return home, to take revenge on the murderers of his father and to learn the genius commander, like Epaminondas. Epaminondas allowed the young ktenesus (beast) to attend the "Sacred Band of Thebes" (Holy Squad/Holy Units) training. This story was told to me, a few years ago, by the personal hetairoi (bodyguard) of Epaminondas from the Sacred Band when Philip and Pammenon visited Epaminondas' tent outside the city. What was more impressive from the speech of Philip were the words: "-... to become as great as you, the demigod Epaminondas! You are like your great ancestor Cadmus in strength and power. You have no equal from the living, I pray the gods for you, so that he never befalls you to take into account the Cadmus victory (analogue of Pyrrhic victory, that is, too high a price.) Your deeds immortalized you during your lifetime. Your name will be sung by us by the ellins (Greeks) while we exist. Your talent as a leader, a genius beckons me, I strive to be like you. I want revenge Ptolemy for the murders of his father and brother and regain his home ... ". Philip understood the importance of professional military training, close interaction between cavalry and infantry, a combination of sound planning and quick action. Watching the maneuvers of the Theban Holy Squad, Philip studied the potential of this elite unit so much that it later applied it to the Macedonian army. Philip, as the same geter said, adopted the most important principle of Epaminondas, who often repeated: "The best way to defeat the enemy with the least expenditure of energy is to strike him not from the weakest, but from the strongest side." Philip went through a useful, albeit unusual school of power struggle. Being in the highest Theban circles, his friends (Pammen and Epaminondas) taught how to behave with the most difficult living being-man. He already had experience of exploring human life in the Macedonian kingdom. The royal court developed a cynical view of human nature from him, and the Theban aristocracy developed a managerial view from him. In our world, killing, incest, usurpation was commonplace, and his own family was no exception. In Thebes, however, he witnessed the weaknesses of their democracy: the constant squabble between different parties, the lack of a strong hand, the inability to quickly make decisions in difficult situations, the unpredictable behavior of the participants in the assembly during a vote, the annual election system itself, which made serious long-term planning almost impossible, lack of professionalism of the people's militias. I must admit that in Thebes, things were better than ours. While in Thebes, Philip watched the development of events in his homeland, studying military tactics and listening to the lectures of the Pythagorean mentor selected by Pammen. In Macedonia, resistance to the rule of Ptolemy matured. The focus of the fire was mainly the Lynkestis region. Linkestidians supported the Argead dynasty in the person of Perdiccas, and not the usurper Ptolemy. As time has shown, saving the life of Perdicces, brother of Philip, was a mistake of Ptolemy. Perdiccas made the impression of a weak ruler. he loved literature and philosophy. This was a man to be reckoned with. Perdiccas waited three years until his position was strengthened, and then he arrested and executed Ptolemy with the support of the aristocracy from Linkestida, who supported him, during the 104th Olympiad (364 BC). After this, Perdiccas himself began to rule Macedonia, and among the priority cases he achieved the release of Philip from Thebes. When he returned, Perdiccas appointed him governor of one of the provinces. The reign of Perdicces was so strong that after the 105th Olympiad (360 BC), he decided to pacify the Illyrian tributaries. Bardila, a leader in the Linkestid region, sowed turmoil among the Illyrian tributaries of Macedonia. After a year of the 105th Olympiad, Linkestidians (Bardila) and Illyrian leaders kill Perdiccus in a battle along with 4 thousand native Aeginians (Egi / Eghah, the old capital of the Macedonian kingdom and the Argead fortress). Bardil, who hoped that he would succeed Ptolemy as a boy on the throne, would rule the state behind him, only he miscalculated. Perdicca has become too independent both in foreign policy and in domestic. My sycophants (spies) also informed me that Philip from Thebes, with the advice of his mentor and lover Pammena, who was led by Epaminondas, helped Brother Perdicca to throw off the yoke of Bardila"s guardianship over herself .... I want to remind you, senator, that Bardila and mother (Eurydice) Perdicce and Philip were from the same Bakhadi (Bacchiadae) dynasty. Bardila had the right to the Macedonian throne. They say (proverb) that a woman killed by grief (Eurydice) is more terrible than Zeus"s spear (lightning) and will take any tricks to take revenge. I know that Bardille, who had long been in love with Eurydice, was promised by Eurydice the kingdom by marrying her, only it was necessary to remove the obstacles that stood in the way to the kingdom and punish the murderers of the beloved Ptolemy. Before setting off on a campaign, Perdiccas left as regent over his son Amint Phillip. After they killed Perdiccas, it was already Philip, as the interim ruler went on a campaign. Philip defeated his brother's killers at the Battle of Lake Lychnitis (Lake Ohrid). To establish peace, he married the daughter of Bardila. In the same year, he marries four more times in order to establish peace and order in all of Macedonia. His last wife is Mirtala (Olympiada). Mirtala has come across all of Hellas with such extraordinary beauty that we Hellenes began to call it the "Olympiada" (Glorifying the Gods). The Olympiada was sullen, jealous, cruel and arrogant. The remaining wives of Philip unquestioningly listened to her. I apologize for taking the conversation aside about the Olympiada, but it plays an important role in the life of Philip. She persuaded to kill Amint, the son of Perdicca, strangling him in her own bed. I know for certain that when Epaminondas fell in battle and was defeated two years before the 105th Olympiad, Philip received a joint letter from Pammenes and Epaminondas, where they said goodbye to him and conjured in case of defeat to avenge them. Philip hoped to see them again ... when the news came that the entire "Holy Band" had died in battle and their immortal leader, they believed, had died from wounds. The memories were cut to pieces in that terrible scene. Philip wept for the first time in his life. In dismay, having read the lines of a letter from his sycophants about the lost battle, he became furious and broke all the furniture in the room. Killed by strangling a servant. I stabbed a dagger with a concubine, who was with him at that moment. Only the Olympiada calmed his rage. All the years while he was third to the throne, after Perdiccas and Amint, he hatched a plan of revenge for us and the Spartans, who were responsible for the murder of his demigod and beloved. When Philip became a full-fledged ruler, his gaze turned to Hellas ...
  -Thank you, Demosthenes, for such a detailed story. Then I know his story ... well, I"ll think it over and pass your words to other booleftous (senators). On this we part with you, I need to go. See you soon, Demosthenes.
   - Antino sou (goodbye), honorable.

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