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Are "paradisiacal tabernacles" on Earth possible?

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    Every person, deep down in his soul, would like to live in paradise, as he individually imagines it, but the majority understands perfectly well that this is impossible, although a significant part of the population still finds a loophole into this place, attributing, however, the paradise thither, where it is not during life. However, the leaders of humanity, strong in their thought, tirelessly tried to determine the path to this blissful place not somewhere, but right here.

  Key words: state, communism, utopia, people, justice, consciousness, self-consciousness, person.
  Animals, who do not understand, unlike people, that they are in time, which can actually be changed, and not just necessarily adapted to it, are quite happy, so to speak, with this misunderstanding, living as it should be - in the frames of nutrition, reproduction and possible improvement of their position in the environment, competing with their fellows, and not knowing that they will die, but, however, feeling it by deteriorating state and loss of strength.
  A person is often disgusted with adapting to all the rubbish that is around, and he has a desire to eliminate it altogether, that is, to live in complete harmony with his own environment - in safety, without conflicts and troubles of all kinds, excluding, of course, illness and old age, which cannot be avoided. This is the minimum of harmony, although it would be nice to also satisfy some of your needs, for example, doing something according to own abilities and desires without much pressure from the outside, since without this even a calm and rhythmic life becomes uninteresting, and therefore -unnecessary.
  One of the first thinkers who constructively have thought about this problem of a local earthly paradise with minimal, but still harmony, was Plato (Plato. Complete works. Republic. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997).
  He came up with what seemed, at first glance, to be a good model of this local paradise, although he himself doubted the possibility of its practical implementation, since he was well aware that he most likely had not taken into account much.
  As a result, Plato turned out to be the founder of all models of earthly paradise, which other thoughtful people later tried to invent. But, if you delve into the essence of these models, they are not much different from Plato"s, which in itself means not just their inadequacy, but a lack of understanding of some of the foundations of human life, the main of which, apparently, is that a person in in his communities exists in a way that he does not only exist in himself, but also for something else. But this was something they all didn"t know, although Plato understood the very fact of this ignorance and therefore doubted the enterprise.
  The Platonic enterprise itself was quite simple and consisted of the following: "Until philosophers reign in the state, or the so-called current kings and lords will not nobly and thoroughly philosophize and this will not merge into one - the state power and philosophy, and until those people are obligatorily removed - and there are many of them - who are now striving separately or for power, or to philosophy, until then, dear Glaucon, states will not get rid of evils, and it will not become possible for the human race and will not see the sunlight that state structure which we have only described verbally" [ibid., Book 5].
  Indeed, why keep fools or a bunch of mediocre people in power! It is difficult to object to Plato here. But unfortunately, it turned out the opposite every time for some reason. And this greatly has embarrassed Plato.
  Along with that, Plato fully understood the problematic nature of being in power of philosophers: "In relation to the state, the position of the most decent people is so difficult that nothing could be worse ... So, imagine such person who turned out to be the helmsman of several ships. The helmsman is superior in height and strength to everyone on the ship, but he is deaf, and also short-sighted and understands little about navigation, and among the sailors there is a strife over the control of the ship: everyone thinks that it is he who should rule, although he has never studied this art ... ... in addition, he declares that there is nothing to learn about this, and are ready to tear apart the one who says what is needed ... Having overcome the noble helmsman with the help of mandrake, wine or any other means, they seize power on the ship, begin to dispose of everything that is on they eat, drink, feast and, of course, direct the course of the ship exactly as it is natural for such people" [ibid., Book 6].
  Having not figured out how to attract the decent people to govern the state in a legitimate way, without which it is not capable of being fair in his opinion, Plato, through the lips of Socrates, demands forcibly to force philosophers to govern the state: "So, good people therefore do not agree to govern - for no money , nor for the sake of kudos: they do not want to be called either mercenaries, openly receiving remuneration for guide, or thieves, secretly using its benefits; in turn, honor does not attract them - after all, they are not ambitious. In order for them to agree to govern, it is necessary to oblige them to this and apply punishments "(ibid., Book 1).
  That is, according to Plato, there is no way to do without decent people:
  "Because you think that shepherds or Bootes take care of the welfare of sheep or oxen when they fatten them and groom them, and that they do it for some other purpose, and not for the benefit of the owners and their own" (ibid., Book 1).
  Thus, Plato understood, in general, the insolubility of the problem of justice in an antagonistic society, and therefore it was quite reasonable to propose, with the help of decent people, to force others to behave correctly, first having forced decent people themselves to take up this matter. It turns out to be a vicious circle.
  This is where violence arises in the minds, as a powerful tool for establishing justice, that is, harmonizing social relations.
  Be that as it may, Plato has set himself the task, which was to establish a harmonious organization of the state both from the position of the internal consistency of life, where everyone will be satisfied with everything, and in defense from the external enemies: " ...we are founding this state not at all meaning to make one of the segments of its population somehow especially happy, but, on the contrary, we want to make the entire state as a whole so. After all, it was in such state that we expected to find fairness, and unfairness, on the contrary, in the worst state system ..." (ibid., Book 4).
  Plato, within the framework of this deceptive model, has considered that satisfaction with beingness by all and, therefore, fairness for all, can be achieved. In order for fairness to cover everyone and everyone, Plato proposed to establish a certain kind of equality between citizens, who, of course, cannot be equalized in general because of their diversity and many points of application of economy and management, but you can try to narrow this diversity by reducing it to only three classes - aristocrats-philosophers, guardians, farmers together with artisans: "Wealth and poverty. One leads to luxury, laziness, innovations, the other, apart from innovations, leads to baseness and atrocities... ...Be that as it may, they contain two states hostile to each other: one for the poor, the other for the rich... ...that fairness consists in that. so that everyone has his own and fulfills his own too ... ... the interference of these three estates in other people's affairs and the transition from one estate to another is the greatest harm to the state and can rightfully be considered the highest crime" (ibid., Book 4).
  Understanding the insufficiency of this division of the population into a kind of castes to establish equality, which already looks like inequality, Plato has come up with some supposedly fairly clear criteria for evaluating progeny, suggesting, in accordance with them, to conduct a constant selection of this progeny in order to highlight the abilities, qualities of the mind and inclinations of each individual even in childhood and, thus, preliminarily determine the place of a given individual within the framework of one or another estate: "Although all members of the state are brothers ..., but the god who sculpted you, in those of you who are able to rule, mixed gold at birth, and therefore they are most valuable, in their assistants - silver, but iron and copper - in farmers and various artisans. You are all related, for the most part give birth to your own kind, although it still happens that silver progeny will be born from gold, and gold from silver; the same in other cases. From the rulers, God demands, first of all and mainly, that it is here that they turn out to be valiant guardians and that nothing more intensively protects as own progeny, observing what kind of admixture there is in the soul of their children, and if a child is born with an admixture of copper or iron, they should in no way have pity for him, but act as his natural inclinations deserve, that is, include him among the artisans or farmers; if someone is born with an admixture of gold or silver, this should be appreciated and honorably transferred to guards or into helpers. After all, there is a prediction that the state will collapse when it will be guarded by iron guardian or copper ... " (ibid., Book 3). "... the best men should mostly unite with the best women, and the worst, on the contrary, with the worst, and that the progeny of the best men and women should be educated, and the offspring of the worst should not, since our small herd should be the most selective. But that this is how it is done, no one should know, except the rulers themselves, so as not to bring the slightest discord into the squad of guards" (ibid., Book 5).
  In addition to the selection of progeny, Plato proposes to completely eliminate private property, up to the possession of wives, bringing the diversity of citizens of the state in this respect to one denominator for the sake of their equalization, and thereby free them, as he believes, from enmity and envy caused by uneven ownership of property: "... no one should have any private property, unless it is absolutely necessary ... ... no one should have such a dwelling or storeroom, where everyone who wishes would not have access" (ibid., Book 3).
  "Only in this way could the guards remain unharmed and preserve the state. And as soon as they have their own land, houses, money, they will immediately become owners and farmers from the guards; from the allies of the rest of the citizens they will become the hostile overlords; hating themselves and arousing hatred towards themselves, harboring evil intentions and fearing them, they will all time live in greater fear of internal enemies than of external ones, and in this case they themselves, and the whole state, will rush to their speedy death (ibid.).
  "All wives of these husbands must be in common, and separately, let none of them cohabit with anyone. And children should also be common, and let the father not know which child is his, and the child - who his father is" (ibid., Book 5)).
  Thus, it turned out, that Plato"s harmonious logic regarding the establishment of a semblance of heaven on Earth led him to absurdity.
  But what is surprising is not even this, but the fact that this approach has been preserved to this day.
  That is, the fact of the desire for consumer values in a society based on proprietary relations does not find a resolution in a society where private property is eliminated, since, for example, "... the best men should mostly unite with the best women, and the worst, on the contrary, with the worst..." (ibid., Book 5).
  In other words, Plato and all his followers, right up to Karl Marx, anarchists and other fighters for justice still have not understood that all people differ so much that it is pointless to talk about their equalization, in principle, that also practice has shown in the form of the final fruits of all revolutions, which ended, as we know, not with the establishment of universal equality and justice, but with the same thing - the restoration of the power of one or another kind of crooks over peoples, who differ from the rest precisely by their dishonesty, cunning, flattery, demagoguery, deceit, selfishness and opportunism for anything.
  For some reason, everybody does not want to remember that each person is nothing more than a semi-primate, having as a result a dual consciousness, that is, being at the same time an animal with the corresponding consciousness, which he demonstrates in his own individuality with all his animal egocentricity, and by a personality, in which he manifests his awareness of himself no longer as a being just adapting to his own surrounding, but as a being that is already capable of project-targeted activity, which also requires a significant share of cooperation, and therefore altruism.
  More details about a person"s personality and individuality are outlined in my work "Why and how do individuality and personality compete in a person?" (The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays). Section 8. 22.05.2022. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev).
  In any form of antagonistic competitive society, advantage is automatically given to the egocentric animal consciousness of a person, which most effectively contributes to the seizure of property and power, while the altruism of human consciousness is found on the margins. During this fierce struggle for comfort, power, privileges and other pleasures, opponents use all means, including war, thereby promoting the latest achievements of technology, science and propaganda, that is, ensuring progress in society as a whole with their seemingly negative activities.
  Any attempts to stop this development within the state or outside it was doomed to failure precisely because of the triumph of the egocentrism of human consciousness in the form of a departure from collectivism towards individualism both in the public consciousness and in the consciousness of each person, ensuring the accelerated development of a number of countries in the world that have turned lagging conservative countries to their colonies. This tendency, in a competitive society, supported the non-stop development of civilization as a whole during the struggle between those in power and their noble opponents who want universal happiness, which is precisely not capable of ensuring the accelerated development of society.
  Therefore, all countries that actually tried in the twentieth century AD promote the idea of harmonizing society within the framework of the state, lost the pace of development and quite quickly returned to the previous antagonistic system.
  Likewise, attempts by anarchists to harmonize society led to nothing other than temporary stagnation and subsequent collapse under pressure from stronger rivals (Makhno's Republic in Ukraine during the Russian Civil War and attempts by Spanish anarchists to organize something similar during the Civil War in Spain in the 1930s).
  Be that as it may, social forms, in the course of the development of antagonistic competitive communities in the form of states, were improved, i.e., the course of their own time was accelerated as a result of the arrival of ever-expanding information flows, reaching the peak of their development under capitalism with its most effective form of worship of the golden calf.
  It is clear that all attempts to artificially stop this accelerated motion of civilization by banning private property in favor of harmonizing society locally, that is, rolling back to a position close to stagnation (countries of the socialist bloc), were doomed to failure.
  However, any progressive motion cannot be endless. So, civilization will collapse on its own at the point of singularity as a result of being overwhelmed by information flows that it will no longer be unable to cope with, despite the use of artificial intelligence for this.
  Does this mean that it is impossible for a local paradise to appear on Earth?
  Apparently, this only means the impossibility of establishing a just state.
  However, the deniers of the state - the theorists of anarchism - brought little to the cause of establishing earthly justice, since in practice they did not succeed at all, in contrast to the short-term, but still, the triumph of the communists, for the same reason - all people are different and each wants its own too often at the expense of its neighbor, and at least some order has to be established by the state. This means that all guardians of justice, like Plato, have to resort to coercion, which is in no way consistent with paradise in earthly conditions.
  What, in this case, should be done to achieve such a noble goal - the harmonization of society? And is this harmonization necessary?
  In order to understand this, we must first determine clearly enough why society developed rapidly only in the form of antagonistic communities in cultural and technological terms, and was hampered in its development within the framework of the primitive "paradise" of archaic communities, where everyone was equal and justice in them in the form the survival of communities triumphed.
  Only then will it become clear why, with the complete elimination of antagonism in a community, its development stops, and the society itself disintegrates or is absorbed by other communities.
  This phenomenon is explained in more detail in my works "Property as the basis for the accelerated development of civilization." (The vicissitudes of beingness (collection of articles and essays). Section 7. 05.22.2022. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev) and "The driving force and source of development of the person and his communities." (05/30/2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru).
  In short, the analysis shows that in the conditions of a competitive technological civilization, which ensures the accelerated development of culture, technology, science and, as a consequence, living comfort for an increasingly large part of the population, but, to a large extent, at the expense of the robbery of the rest of it, the harmonization of everything society is excluded. That is, development is ensured thanks to social disharmony with the brutal oppression of ordinary workers, incessant wars, the domination of nonentities and scoundrels over the smart and decent in the flow of misinformation and total deception of ordinary people, who make up more than 80% of the population.
  All this action does not last very long (6-8 thousand years) - until the point of singularity in the development of civilization, upon reaching which, as a result of information collapse, as well as ideological and energy crises, own time of a technological civilization ends. It disintegrates, as a rule, in two versions - either completely, with the loss of all technologies and a rollback into savagery, or it transforms into a set of local groups of self-organizing and self-governing domains-cells with the preservation of some technologies.
  These domains are not completely separated from each other due to the fact that they require commodity exchange to survive, since each domain can conduct only specific activities depending on the prevailing conditions: fishing, clothing production, textile production, tool making, crop growing, beekeeping, etc.
  The preservation and even a certain efficiency of the functioning of these domains-cells is determined not so much by their small number, the use of some surviving technologies, the abolition of private property, the consciousness of their members in terms of cooperation for the sake of the survival of the domain, but rather by the absence of pressure from external superior forces that no longer exist in the form of states.
  New conditions finally make it possible to realize the ideas of anarchists for the harmonization of the community, which, in the absence of external opposition other than the forces of nature, although it loses the opportunity for development without competition, provides survival within the framework of purely collective actions, a certain comfort and even free time for self-development of the inhabitants of the domain.
  Thus, the egocentrism of the animal component of human consciousness in the form of his individuality is balanced by the altruistic collectivist component of human self-consciousness, and each a person is forced to come to terms with the collectivist principle of existence due to the impossibility of another option in the conditions of survival in the natural environment, without having the same resources, which is reminiscent of the existence of primitive communal communities, but at a higher level of development of self- consciousness of domain members.
  These domains are interconnected by commodity exchange due to their diverse activities. The necessary leadership, which coordinates general work, issues of health care, medicine, education, culture, transport, energy supply, communications, etc., is collective, and individual leaders of one or another area of activity are rotated periodically and as often as possible. Natural resources are conserved as much as possible, since they form the basis for keeping the domain in working condition, making this form of civilization not only balanced in terms of blocking individualistic aspirations by collectivist forms of organizing community life, but also environmentally friendly due to the absence of thoughtless consumption of natural resources used only when necessary.
  Actually, these domains, and not states, become a kind of earthly paradise with their minimal, but still harmony. That is, this earthly "paradise" appears not within the framework of civilization, but as a result of collapse of technological civilization. Below, these domains are described in a little more detail.
  Evidence of both options for the collapse of technological civilization are numerous artifacts discovered at different times, in particular by archaeologists, and concentrated mainly in the storerooms of museums around the world. In addition, artificial structures of civilizations of distant eras unknown to us can be seen on the surface of the planet and on the seabed (pyramids, thousand-kilometer equipped tunnels and the remains of unknown cities under the waters of the seas and oceans).
  Many artifacts are now displayed on the Internet, and modern methods of determining their age show that they have nothing to do with present civilization, although the people who lived on Earth in those distant years, judging by the same artifacts, neither in appearance nor in their way of life, but also in terms of technological and cultural achievements, do not have significant differences from representatives of present civilization, which, according to modern scientists, appeared as a result of evolutionary changes in primates and are for this reason the only intelligent inhabitants of the planet.
  The fact that this is not so is quite impressively demonstrated by the artifacts below.
  Traces of nuclear war 25 thousand years ago.
  Traces of the antediluvian war involving nuclear weapons were discovered recently: careful studying by group of the French experts of several tens larger funnels on planet surface which have been considered as traces from blows of meteorites, showed that they could be formed and as a result of nuclear detonations. The age of the majority of funnels is estimated about 25 thousand years. The deepest crater is located in South Africa. According to researchers, it was formed as a result of the nuclear strike with power more than 500 thousand tons in trotyl equivalent (TNT) - power of the bomb dumped to Hiroshima, is estimated at 20 thousand tons.
  Source: nespat.com> comment_1350877402.html
  The fact of formation so-called "caked green glass" (Trinitite) is known too. It is produced as a result of nuclear explosions caused by high temperatures, high pressure as well as - due to radiations. Trinitite has been found in many craters on Earth and the time of its formation varies widely - from tens, hundred thousand and more years ago.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  China pyramids. The construction time is about 12 thousand years ago.
  16 pyramids are located in China, Shanxi Province, including three giant, repeating arrangement of the Egyptian pyramids. But the three pyramids of China are twice more than Great Egyptian pyramids, and they are the copy of the Martian pyramids located on Mars on the plateau the Bastion. U.S. Air Force pilot James Gaussman saw a huge pyramid in spring 1945, flying over the mountains Kin Lin Xiang Tsiyan to the town Tsiyan in the Central China. Thinking that no one would believe him, the pilot photographed, by our standards, impossible constructions. The mysterious pyramid: height - 300 meters and width at the basis - 500 meters - have been imprinted in the picture! It means that it is twice more than the biggest of the well-known giants of old structural art - Big pyramid of Cheops, which has been risen to a palate only on 148 meters! But this unique photo of James Gaussman instantly disappeared in the halls of the U.S. military archives. Why? Perhaps, it occurs because of "care" about peace in the mindset on this planet.
  In March, 1994 Austrian Hartwig Hausdorf made a trip on the regions closed for foreigners adjacent to the town of Xian - the capital of the Province of Shaanxi, located in the central part of China. During this trip he found 6 famous pyramids. Later in October, 1994 he once again arrived to China, having taken a chamber. Hausdorff managed to shoot the 18-minute movie. Having come back home, he at first decided to have a look video records but what was his surprise when, having made increase he found other pyramids on a background of the finished shooting shots! In total there were more than hundred pyramids on the area 2000 square km! At the beginning of ХIХ century, the German merchant Meyer Schroeder was being led caravans from the Great Chinese Wall far inland. One day he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the monk conductor, and the conductor warned that they will see soon the pyramids. The conductor said that there are seven pyramids, and they are all located near the ancient capital of China Hu Xian. When Schroeder asked the monk about the age of the pyramids, the monk said - these pyramids are mentioned as ancient in our most aged books written five thousand years ago.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru/piramidy-kitaya /
  Numerous underground tunnels. Build time: at least, from 12 thousand years till 1.6 million years ago.
  The oldest tunnels whose age is estimated at nearly a million years were found in 1965 by the Argentina ethnologist Juan Moritz. In Ecuador, Morona- Santiago's province, his expedition surveyed and mapped the tunnel system, mostly rectangular, which was laid at the depth 230 meters. Their smooth walls seem polished. There are found vent pipes by diameter about 70 centimeters. These mysterious underground structures extend for hundreds of kilometers in all directions, including towards the Pacific Ocean. The majority of them still remain unexplored.
  It is noticed that if the tunnel is older and deeper, it is more perfect on a design and is more precisely oriented. Tunnels, whose age reaches 12.000 years found in Western Europe, are the "youngest" and the roughest constructively of all found ancient underground constructions. But even they could not be constructed by primitive people who inhabited, by modern historical views, our planet at the time. What then we may say about more perfect tunnels whose age is estimated in the tens of thousands and millions of years! It is necessary to assume that any advanced civilization really existed in an extreme antiquity on Earth. It disappeared from a planet surface upon the unclear reasons, having left only our uncivilized ancestors on Earth.
  Source: nespat.com»comment_1350877402.html
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Israel megalithic complexes. Construction time: at least, from 12 thousand years
  As writes A. V. Koltypin, the megalithic underground-ground complexes of Mareshi, Bet Gavrina, Hurvata Midras, Luzita, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the City of David and other places confirm the very ancient age of all these structures. It is impossible to accurately determine it due to the lack of objects synchronous with the construction time. We can only say more or less confidently that all these and most other megalithic complexes in Israel were built before the last global catastrophe and the Great Flood, which occurred 10-12 thousand years ago. The lower age limit for their construction corresponds to the age of the rocks on which the megalithic blocks are located and in which the underground structures are "cut down".
  Megalithic blocks of Trilithon in Baalbek (Lebanon).
  Source: dopotopa.com
  200 multilayer slabs are relief maps. Age of these plates is about 120 million years. Russia.
  In 1999, a mysterious slab was found in Bashkiria, Russia.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Professor of the Bashkir University Alexander Chuvyrov to the middle of the 90th years of the last century in city archive of Ufa found notes written in the XVIII century. From the text of notes followed that near the village Chandar of the Nurimanovsky region of Bashkiria 200 white slabs, covered with the strange badges, have been stored.
  Chuvyrov became interested in these mysterious slabs and started looking for in local archives of any information about them. Alexander Chuvyrov decided to find these slabs and organized some expeditions. However, the search for a long time did not bring results.
  It was only in 1999, one of the mysterious slabs was found - a local resident said that under the porch of his house from time immemorial lies a huge stone. And this stone has strange properties - it is impossible to inflict any damage to it, and for many years the stone did not wear out at all...
  This stone was pulled out and was delivered into the Bashkir University. It appeared that its sizes make 148 х 106 cm, thickness - 16 cm, and weight - about one ton.
  It appeared that the three-dimensional map was displayed on the surface of the slab. Serious researches began. It was proved that South Ural is presented on the Chandar plate. However, the terrain is partially different from the modern terrain.
  Further researches showed that the card consists of three layers. The first bottom layer is the extra strong dolomite, the second layer is made by way unknown to the modern science, of diopside glass. The relief map is executed from this particular glass. The third layer represents heavy-duty calcium porcelain. This layer protects the map from external damage.
  All this is more than surprising especially as the age of a find defined by means of scientific methods, was simply fantastic - about 120 million years!
  The materials obtained during the study were sent to the Center for Historical Cartography in the state of Wisconsin (USA). The opinion of experts was that such a map could only be compiled using aerospace photography. It turns out that spaceships are been flying over the Earth millions of years ago.
  Meanwhile, researchers are confident that the found slab is only a small part of a huge world map made in ancient times by representatives of an unknown civilization.
  Source: Natalya Trubinovskaya chronoton.ru> artefakty
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Metal tools found in limestone dating from 140 million years ago. US.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Ordinary looking hammer was found in Texas in 1934. It has literally rooted into limestone by age about 140 million years.
  Wooden handle of the hammer was being petrified outside. The handle inside turned into coal. Then its age was estimated so - millions years too. Specialists of Metallurgical Institute in Columbus (Ohio) were amazed with chemical composition of the hammer: iron - 96.6%, chlorine - 2.6%, sulfur - 0.74%. Other impurities could not be detected. Such pure iron has not been received in the history of the earth metallurgy.
  Any bubble was not revealed in metal. Quality of iron even by the modern measures is exclusively high and causes many questions as the content of the metals applied in metallurgical industry by production of different grades of steel (as, for example, manganese, cobalt, nickel, tungsten, vanadium or molybdenum) is not revealed. Unnecessary impurities are absent in iron, and percentage of chlorine is large extraordinarily.
  Iron of "the Texas hammer" does not rust! When a piece of rock with the ingrown tool has been chipped from the rock in 1934, the metal in one place was badly scratched. No signs of corrosion appeared on the scratch for last more than sixty years... According to estimates of Drake Buff, the director of the Museum of Fossil Antiquities in which this hammer is being stored, the find comes from a early Cretaceous - from 140 to 65 million years ago. Dr. Hans-Joachim Tsilmer from Germany, being engaged in a mysterious find in detail, concludes: "This hammer was made by the unknown to us the technology".
  Sources: www.factor-online.com
  Artifacts fixed spacecraft on the Moon.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Artificial structures were discovered and photographed on the Moon. When and who could build these structures? That's what about it in one of interview the former NASA official Richard Hoagland speaks: "I consider that the project "Apollo" confirmed the existence of an ancient but nevertheless human civilization on the Moon. She was laid down by our ancestors very long ago. But we were able to unveil only a small part of the information obtained by NASA that people once inhabited the entire solar system." Dating in the hundreds of millions of years, proposed independent experts, sends us into the age of dinosaurs, if not further. However people could exist on Earth in those days.
  Source: V. Bumagin. nenosfirs.ucoz.ru »PLANET SPACE»
  Artifacts presumably related to pre-existing equilibrium (ecological) civilizations on Earth.
  Stone tools. The age of tools, made about 250 thousand years.
  In the 1960th years Juan Armenia Camacho and Cynthia Irwin-Williams dug out in Ueyatlako, near Valsequillo, in 75 miles from Mexico City, skillfully executed stone tools competing upon the execution to the best examples of Cro-Magnon culture in Europe. More rough tools were found in El-Horno (El Homo), Both in Ueyatlako, and in El-Horno the stratigraphic position of finds did not raise doubts. However, these artifacts have one property which cannot but cause discussion. The matter is that group of geologists who carried out scientific researches in interests of Geological inspection of the USA, defined that the age of finds makes 250 thousand years. In this group of the scientists working on a grant of National fund of science, entered: Harold Meld (Harold Malde) and Virginia Stin-Makintayr (Virginia Steen-Mclntyre) representing Geological inspection of the USA, as well as the late Roald Frayksell (Roald Fryxell) from the Washington State University.
  According to the statement of these geologists, applied independently of each other four methods of determining the age, gave an unusually large age to samples, which were found in Valsequillo. These are the following methods: 1) uranium method of definition of age; 2) age definition on the basis of the analysis of traces of a nuclear decay; 3) tefra-hydration method; 4) studying of the geological erosion.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  Ika's stones.
  The most mysterious stones on a planet were found in the late of 80-ies of the XX-th century in South America, in the Republic of Peru. Mysterious drawings on stones puzzled archaeologists. The scenes presented on these stones reveal the life of an unknown civilization. People fly on mechanical birds, hunt on dinosaurs, use ancient reptiles as pets, watch stars in a telescope and do the transplantation of internal organs, including the heart and brain.
  The stones got its name in honor of the small town Ika, situated just close to the Nazca desert. Researchers have revealed regularity in system of drawings on stones. All images are grouped in a series from 6 to 200 stones forming some kind of stone library.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  The Ica stones depict how humans fought dinosaurs.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Letolil footprints.
  In 1978, the expedition team led by Mary Leakey, based at Letolil, in northern Tanzania, approximately in thirty miles to the South from the Olduvai Gorge, has discovered fossilized footprints of three human beings. These early people walked through recently dropped out volcanic ash, probably, escaping from a volcanic eruption. It was found about fifty traces stretched on seventy seven foots. Their age makes from 3.6 till 3.8 million years.
  These prints are older than the alleged human ancestor of the Australopithecus "Lucy", and hence out of all hitherto discovered it is the earliest evidence of human erectus. Although they are older than "Lucy" than 200.000 years, they were left by the feet, with an anatomical point of view, exactly the same as the feet of modern humans. Nothing suggests that they were left by beings like "Lucy".
  Letolil prints left more than 3.6 million years ago with the feet having anatomical similarities with the feet of modern humans.
  Australopithecus foot - "Lucy's" relative - has long fingers with protruding thumb like monkeys. The most well-preserved copy of such fossil foot cannot be combined with these prints. The thumb is not rejected aside at Letolil prints, as well as at the feet of modern humans. The distance between it and the second finger is same as it would be and today. Professor Russell Tuttle from the Chicago university writes in plain terms that "it is difficult to imagine that it was possible to combine precisely a foot (like Lucy's foot) ... with prints of Letolile feet".
  A lot of experts, who studied these prints, are agreed in opinion that the feet, left these prints, again upon the words of Professor Tuttle, "are indistinguishable from prints of feet of people walking, as usual barefoot widely".
  Professor Tuttle continued his criticisms. In February 1997, the magazine "National Geographic" has quoted his statement that "the traces had been left by mysterious hominid whose fossil remains yet to be discovered." These facts have not yet been adequately addressed: popular articles and books about "Lucy" and her relatives ignored them.
  Source: M. Baigent, Ancient Traces: Mysteries in Ancient and Early History.
  Eksmo. Moscow, 2004. ISBN 5-699-04989-4. Page 60.
  Footprints of humanoids in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone of the river Pallyuxy, USA.
  Footprints of the bipedal creatures crossing dinosaur footprints preserved in Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (135-140 million years ago). Pallyuxi, Texas, USA. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  Mysterious prints of bare feet and shod feet of humanoids together with traces of dinosaurs were discovered by a group of scientists led by Stanley E. Taylor in 1968 in bed of the river Pallyuxi near Glen Rose and the State park"Valley of Dinosaurs "in the State of Texas (USA). They examined four chains of such traces in the Lower Cretaceous clay limestone (marls), accumulated 135-140 million years ago. The unusual picture from the remote past was slightly opened to looks of researchers - "people" and dinosaurs were passing in the same place at the same time. "Double" prints indicated it: when the dinosaur went over a "human" trace and vice versa - when "person" have stepped on trace already left by a dinosaur.
  A master plan of the same traces. The photo is made by Glen Kuban (1985) and placed in Origins Research, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1986.
  The majority of traces had a diffuse elongated shape, but the heel and 5 fingers were distinctive on some of them and the thumb of a foot was located not as at monkeys, and as at the modern people. We could even conclude on the location of certain traces: "human" pursued dinosaur. Similar traces were discovered in 1910.
  It is likely that some of these traces are really a fake. However, the majority of prints are all original and they have no slightest relation to the limestone erosion. This is confirmed by the following: existence of "double" prints, presence of the pair traces left by the right and left foot, extrusion of fossil dirt at the edges of prints, and the fact that many traces were found by G. Taylor in the layers dug out from under the layer of limestone lying on the surface.
  The whole open-air museum exists on the river Pallyuxi. There we can observe traces of dinosaurs mixed up with human traces in layers of a new, post-catastrophe era. And nothing can be garbled: every year a silt brought by seasonal inflow during a season of a drought dries and turns into a stone plate: year - a plate, year - a plate. Even arithmetic knowledge is enough to count the number of layers-years. And it turns out that people were running upon this wonderful planet together with mammoths and dinosaurs.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Underwater megalithic structures near the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands).
  Australian divers led by David Childers (ethnographer) and Japanese archaeologists confirmed the existence near the island of ruins of megalithic constructions. Australian researchers, plunging to a depth of 20-35 m, have found 12 huge columns which have acquired by corals, and on lying at the bottom of basalt rocks they saw pretty clear pictures of geometric figures. Japanese divers managed to make even more: they reached the basis of Nan-Madola in the form of huge walls from the basalt blocks connected without any solution. They calculated upon the speed of immersion of the ocean bottom that the age of the underwater city makes 10-12 thousand years. Scientists from universities of states of Ohio and Oregon and the Pacific Institute in Honolulu (Pacific Studies Institutes) (USA) confirmed the calculations.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  Processed stones for the sling.
  In 1926, John Baxter, who was one of the assistants J. Reid Moir, under the Pliocene Red Rocks in Bramford that under Ipswich (England), dug out an egg-shaped subject which have got to a collection only thanks to singularity of the form.
  J. Reid Moir noticed grooves and faces of artificial origin immediately, i.e. the egg-shaped subject has been processed by a human hand. Detrit horizon, located under the Red rock, contains fossils and sedimentary rocks of inhabited areas of the surface, whose age fluctuates from the Pliocene to the Eocene. Thus, the age of the stone for a sling can make from 2 to 55 million years.
  M. Kremo, R. Thompson. The Hidden History of the Human Race.
  A metal vase with decorative elements found in rocks about 500 million years old.
  A Scientific American report in June 1851 reported that while blasting Precambrian rock (534 million years old) at Dorchester, Massachusetts, two fragments of a metal vase were found. Bonded together, the fragments formed a dome shape 4.5 inches high. 5" at the base, 2.5" at the top and 1/8" thick. Visually, the material of the vessel resembles painted zinc or an alloy with a large admixture of silver. Decorative elements - flowers and vines - are inlaid with silver.
  As for domain civilizations, which previously appeared after the collapse of technological civilizations on Earth, the very fact of their emergence is explained by the disappearance of the pressure of states on the population that remained after the collapse of a technological civilization. This is a population that has declined significantly, as a rule, retains some technologies, but is able to use only part of them only for more or less tolerable survival in new harsh conditions, and not for development, for which it lacks the strength, resources, and mood.
  However, the horizontal and vertical connections of relatively small domains, in which there is no private property, with their diverse activities and sufficient initiative of their inhabitants in self-government and self-organization, combining collective aspirations with personal needs with the dominance of collectivism by virtue of harsh living conditions, provide not only the survival of the population of the domains, but also their relatively good standard of living, allowing them to have free time for their own development and satisfaction of own interests.
  However, there are not enough resources, energy, or a sufficient number of specialists for technological and energy development. Therefore, the life of the inhabitants of the domains flows almost unchanged, but still it is incomparable with the life of archaic communities, all of whose aspirations are aimed solely at survival, while the inhabitants of the domains have the opportunity, using their abilities, to develop various crafts and culture as a whole.
  This kind of civilization, which in some cases appears on the ruins of a technological civilization, for example, if nuclear wars or total epidemics do not destroy almost the entire population and all the achievements of civilization, lose, at least for a significant period of time, the possibility of development, and are forced to enter into equilibrium with nature.
  The main features of such an equilibrium civilization are as follows.
  It has to be in ecological equilibrium with the nature, i.e. it has to return generally to appropriating economy with preservation and addition of some resource-saving technologies.
  Having refused the complex state management system, the civilization has to return to the simplest forms of the public relations in the form of local self-coping cells of various orientation on the kinds of activity, connected among themselves not only horizontally, but also vertically, unlike primitive communities.
  The tasks of civilization in this case can no longer be the development of technology and social relations, but they are limited to self-sufficiency in terms of creating acceptable living conditions for each person and maintaining the functioning of self-governing cells without the appearance of a tilt towards their departure from self-government. For this, the only "cure" is the most frequent rotation of elected management personnel.
  In this relation the difference of this structure from primitive communities consists in more high level of self-consciousness of members of the self-coping cells, saved up for six millennia of previous civilization development, and, in this regard, emergence of possibility of the conscious decision by all members of cells of arising problems of a civilization within the elementary structures.
  Besides, the free time of each member of community which can be very the considerable, thanks to preservation of many technologies of reproducing of food and household items, has to be devoted to self-development in that sphere to which he has predilections: art, crafts, fight against diseases, learning process, etc.
  Thus, the civilization is as though conserved. Certainly, sooner or later it will go wrong, but time of its existence and quite quiet life of people in it can be much more, than life time of a technological civilization known to us.
  To the one who will tell that it is impossible to stop development, it is possible to give an example of a similar suspending in development of human communities, more precisely, its extreme delay.
  It is possible give as an example the well-known and studied primitive communities which have been existing approximately in the same condition of some tens of thousands of years, until awakened from "hibernation" about 10 thousand years ago whereby, partly, our civilization emerged about six thousand years ago. Communities, which are in the equilibrium with environment, exist and now in a natural form, for example, the Australian natives. There are similar communities in a artificial type of various sects, for example doukhobor. The public and production formations close to them - kibbutzim in Israel as well separate themselves from society and the state on the way of life, which is close to the equilibrium.
  As we showed above, an aware translation of an antagonistic technological civilization into a harmonious community is impossible for both biological and social reasons.
  But, nevertheless, a harmonious community can appear with the disappearance of technological civilization, when the remaining population falls from fairly comfortable living conditions into a situation of survival. That is, it will be possible to be saved only through collective efforts with the socialization of property, leaving from the egocentricity of animal consciousness only initiative with the blocking of egoism, similar to what happens in archaic communities, but with a greater share of altruism, that is, without much savagery.
  If remnants of the collapsed civilization are not dissolved in wildness, and somehow will be transformed to equilibrium system of the small domains connected among themselves and self-organization and self-government becomes a basis of activity of these domains, then there will be the situation, which is cardinally different from the former.
  Between each individual and his collective-cell there is a continuous contact as each person really in different periods, but with high frequency and manages by a cell and simply works in it, and he is terribly interested in that both management and work were carried out as it is possible better. In this case the collective and the individual as far as it is possible, merge together. Kibbutzim, the old believe communities, some religious sects are an example of it.
  The chaos disappears, the order is being established by members of a cell in that type what seems to them the best and is respectively corrected further if it gives in to improvement. Thus, justice and equality triumph in work, and liberty remains for any creative activity in a time off and only is welcomed by everyone.
  Thus, the sense of economic freedom which is provided by the capitalist state in the form of employment by any individual by economic activity accepted for him with receiving the corresponding profit, significantly changes. This change in the particular relation is positive so as this freedom is illusion in the society of representative democracy.
  The matter is that, having begun the business, the person gets to fetters of the complex economic relations and, as a rule, he is being ruined. If it does not occur, he will get to slavery to the process of receiving profit behind which forgets about the human qualities. The immoral being seeing before not people but only bank notes which spends all the time for increment and deduction of capital is formed. This being inhibits both itself and others or that is even worse, becomes the rentier, i.e. - becomes parasite who consciously exists at the expense of other working people.
  The private property is not present in a self-coping cell, any capital cannot be acquired.
  Therefore, more adequate aspiration for a person to the type of work to which he has more than abilities and, respectively, - more satisfaction from it, becomes by sense of economic freedom. Especially that this economic activity goes on the benefit to all members of cell without any self-interest.
  The community is grateful to the working person and he is happy by this recognition of results of own work and tries to work even better, using all the abilities and talents.
  Certainly, rather narrow scope of work in a tiny cell considerably narrows a choice of a person and, thereby, as though limits his liberty as limits his liberty and the accepted regulations of life of each cell, but this liberty for each person is reality, instead of illusion. And, if you are not satisfied with something, nobody forbids you to be engaged in in free time any business which is pleasant to you. Besides, you can move to another by the nature of work a cell, be engaged coordinating activity, etc.
  Thus, if the inhabitants of the domains manage to self-organize in such a way as to maintain a certain cultural level and some technologies that support the level of consumption of the most necessary things for life, then a system of a kind of equilibrium will be formed, that is, not developing, but not decaying formations, that are also in equilibrium with nature, and capable of providing a satisfactory existence for the existing population.
  In similar intermediate state of non-development and non-decay, that is, equilibrium, they are able to exist in balance with nature even longer than technological civilizations - up to several tens of thousands of years, judging by the available artifacts mentioned above. But they still inevitably disintegrate under the influence of a gradual decline in interest in life, in which, despite its smoothness, relative well-being and peace, little happens.
  The equilibrium civilizations are described in more detail in my work "Communes as a result of the crash of all civilization" (10.10.2016. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru).
  However, it is also possible that this civilization will turn towards technological development if certain discoveries and inventions are suddenly made that can be implemented technically without special costs. Then this initial impulse can give sufficient energy to the rest of the population in the direction of development, and this civilization will transform into a technological one, which, apparently, has happened several times in the history of the Earth. But at the same time, the community will begin to stratify into the owners of technologies and their products and everything else associated with them, courts, officials, police, rulers, armies will appear with the corresponding strife and wars, and everything will begin to happen in the same antagonistic order.
  This kind of curious phenomena in the life of communities of people who came from nowhere, sometimes reaching an even higher technological level of development than now, occurred approximately during several hundred million years before the 10th millennium BC, when, under the influence possibly of natural disasters, which are called иy the flood, the well-known Atlantis, described by the same Plato, disappeared (Plato. Complete works. Republic. Hackett Publishing Company. 1997).
  Our hypothesis, based on the holographic nature of Creation, also gives an answer to the question of the repeated appearance, outside the evolutionary development of communities, of exactly the same people as today tens and hundreds of millions of years ago. In particular, this was mentioned in my works "The person - a product of evolution?! Whether everything is so clear here?!" (14.12.2019. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: Amazon. Yury Nizovtsev, www.litres.ru). "Человек, мозг, сознание и сверхразум". Журнал "Топос". РФ. 14.08.2023. ("А person, brain, consciousness and super-mind". Magazine Topos. RF. 14.08.2023).
  If we return to the last local technological civilization (antediluvian Atlantis), which appeared outside the evolutionary process on Earth, then the population that survived after its collapse around the middle of the 10th millennium BC there was already someone to pass on the surviving fragments of its culture and technologies.
  The fact is that just by this time - the Middle Stone Age (Mesolithic) - the Cro-Magnons, who had long supplanted the Neanderthals, somewhat increased the level of self-awareness that develops in archaic communities extremely slowly. As a result, they improved and even changed the methods of economic, which were previously limited to hunting and gathering.
  In particular, they managed to invent a bow and arrow, which had significant advantages over spears, a dog was tamed. Tools such as chisels, axes, tesla and strugs appeared, and stone tools with composite blades made of flint and obsidian began to be used. Hoes and picks began to be used for tillage.
  It was from the 10th millennium BC that significant changes began to occur in the life of traditional local communities. These communities began to change relatively quickly - a kind of proto-civilizations, appeared in an area of the modern Egypt, the Middle East and Asia Minor, which turned out to be close to Atlantis.
  Only the influence of the surviving inhabitants of a highly technological and highly cultural antediluvian civilization, which Plato called Atlantis, can explain the relatively rapid transition - within a few hundred years - of the inhabitants of this region from tribal villages in which they lived for tens of thousands of years, to cities with straight streets and even some places with houses of several floors; the start from the 10th millennium BC intensive trade not only on land, in particular in the territory of what is now Turkey, but also in the Mediterranean Sea; agriculture also began to develop, the results of which, that is, grain reserves, could be used both during crop failures and during wars; various crafts, the beginnings of science and culture appeared, for example, the walls of houses began to be decorated with frescoes.
  However, the self-consciousness of the natives was still at a relatively low level, and only technologies and culture of a purely consumer and rather primitive property were available to him, that is, neither high culture nor high technologies of the disintegrated antediluvian civilization were available to them, despite the fact that many samples of its samples, drawings, and other documents were preserved. It took several thousand years for the population to realize the possibility of using them at least partially.
  Only then did the flourishing of civilization begin in the form of states and city-states.
  These were the Sumerian civilization (late 5th millennium BC), the heirs of which were the Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian states; The Indus civilization and the civilization of Ancient Egypt, which arose in the 4th millennium BC.
  It is unlikely that the Sumerians came up with a wheel out of nowhere, which the civilizations of South America did not even think of.
  The Sumerians also suddenly introduced and began to use a new number system, new writing on clay tablets, and began to carry out complex astronomical measurements for household needs. For the first time in agriculture, they used a plow and a seeder, which no one had previously thought of either. But they were hardly particularly genius. Most likely, they managed to borrow a lot from the previous civilization, since some of the achievements of this civilization reached them, and not only them. They were finally able to understand some of these technologies, begin to use them, and even improve them over time.
  The Egyptians also did not stand aside. They specialized mainly in architecture, in which they achieved unsurpassed success to this day; in writing system, inventing, in particular, paper; in music, composing orchestras from various musical instruments; in medicine.
  It is also unlikely that they themselves developed complex systems for the treatment of eye and gynecological diseases, methods and instruments for craniotomy.
  The Indian civilization manifested itself mainly in the field of agriculture. Rice, cotton and sugar cane began to be grown there. Representatives of this local civilization also achieved significant success in mathematics (algebra and trigonometry) and navigation.
  Of course, they created something on their own, but the fact is known that they inherited from the antediluvian civilization aircraft - vimanas, based on a different principle of aeronautics, now lost, and samples of atomic weapons.
  Images of some types of these vimanas have also been preserved.
  Source: dopotopa.com
  At the end of the 2nd World War, German engineers reproduced the so-called "flying saucers", the appearance of which was recorded on the Russian-German front, according to drawings that they borrowed in the late 30s of the twentieth century in India as a result of expeditions to the Himalayas.
  Source: sekreti-mira.ru
  Distinct traces of war with the use of atomic weapons, the independent development of which was made only in the twentieth century AD, preserved on the territory of present-day Pakistan (the city of Mohenjo-Daro, destroyed, according to researchers of buildings and soil in the city, by an attack using nuclear weapons or, possibly, a vacuum bomb, around the 4 millennium BC). A photo of the surviving remains of the city is given below. This war is described in the epic Mahabharata.
  Ruins of Mohenjo-Daro. Photo from "National Geographic".
  Source: dopotopa.com
  In conclusion of this review essay, it can be stated that at all known times on Earth there were no "paradisiacal tabernacles" in any state, but, in the absence of states, excluding, of course, archaic communities, similar formations were been emerging in the form of the equilibrium ecological civilizations.
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